Start by clicking on the Auctions link in our menu. You will be redirected to our online auction site. Follow the instructions below to Register an account for bidding. Scroll to the bottom to see how you manage your account details.
Step 1
Click the Login / New Bidder link circled in green.
Step 2
A window will pop up which asks you to Login if you have an existing account. To Register an account you need to hit the button circled in green.
Step 3
Fill out your best email address – you are asked to fill it out twice to confirm the correct spelling. Click the Check Email button to continue.
Step 4
Next you’re asked to fill out your details, such as your name and address.
Choose your User Name and create a password. We suggest you have a secure password using a combination of numbers, lower and upper case letters, and special characters. Hit the button to register and you’re done.
Step 5
When your registration is complete you see this confirmation window. Hit Ok to begin. Now you’re ready to bid.
When you go to bid, you will be asked to register for that auction (you must register for every auction).
How to Edit your Account
Step 6
To change your address and other account details, click your User Name (it won’t say User Name but show the user name you used when you signed up if you’re logged in) at the top of the screen (circled green) to see options in the drop down menu.
Click Account Info to update your name, address and more.